
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This ((School)) Year in Numbers

My first year of college is officially over...and here's the recap:

7 packages of oreos

8 room rearrangements

325 caf meals

156 hours spent discussing the classics in Torrey sessions
with 16 of my closest friends

all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls ((in the spring semester:))

2 jars of peanut butter

30 books read and discussed

300 flashcards

54 hours spent working ((calling potential Torrey nerds))

33 units (possibly all A's:)

many many influential conversations

50ish hours spent in chapel

150ish multivitamins

34 easy macs

9 class ditchings...

several ((million)) bowls of lucky charms

4 tubes of toothpaste ((crest 3D white!!))

6 burts bees original chapsticks

many new friends

0 all-nighters ((woot woot HALLA HALLA))

22 grocery story bike ride trips


1 rubiks cube

1/2 of a sick day (PRAISE THE LORD!!!)

14 trips home

600ish tennis balls served

489,309,563,162,502,712 words exchanged in grand conversations

1 Beautiful Year 
(freshman year is OVAAAAAAA)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on getting through the year :)
