
Friday, September 30, 2011


Last weekend I went on a retreat with the girls from my floor. 
It was a wonderfully restful and joyful 24 hours. 
It was a time for us to get away from school and get to know each other better.

We drove a snatch away to Oak Glen
where there are many beautiful apple farms.

We all caravaned in different cars...
but our caravan broke apart and the area
 we went to didn't get very good cell service.
So it took a few hours to get everyone together. 

Here are some snatches of what we did:

One of my R.A.'s Winnie and my dear friend Georgey.

Several of the girls that make life in Alpha so sweet.

Classic napkin head impersonation from The Holiday.

We did a lot of eating, too.

Los Rios Rancho is a lovely little store...
but it's so much more than just a store!
We tried yummy apple samples 
and tasted several variations of apple butters
and fresh baked bread...
mmmm so delicious!

This is Georgey. I'm her Lenny.
We're going to open up a fitness center for 
senior citizens someday.
((She blogs here.))
The pinkies matter. 
But mostly not really.

Playing some old school four square at the Christian 
Conference Center we stayed at.
It was like a summer camp but we were the only ones there!

Awesome roommate pic. 
Rinny is the one who usually takes all the pictures.
So I try to sneg moments with her in FRONT of the camera every now and then. 
((Posing on fake ponies is hard business.))

My other epic R.A. and good friend, Ruth

There was an old truck on the conference center campus. 
It was nice being the only ones there.
Needless to say it got pretty exciting!

I think this moment involved the suggestion, 
"Pretend you're about to get hit by a car!"
We keep it real classy.

Also, there was an old school one of these bad boys.
I'm pretty sure they've been outlawed like
It was pretty sketchy...
and by that I mean amazing.

This is my lovely Lou friend. 
She is gorgeous.
Rinny captured her gorgeousity well.
It was an amazing golden hour.

Bah I love all of the girls that I got to spend 
those few hours with. 
We laughed often and talked even more often. 
Sporadic Disney songs and talk about boys 
rang loudly through the gorgeous trees. 

I delighted in SEEING the stars for the first time since Hume.
I felt RESTED in my quiet times with the Lord.
I sat with great CONTENT under a tree eating a fresh Jonagold apple.
I felt my HEART SMILE when I saw a leaf that had truly changed color.

We rang in the Autumn season well. 

((so thankful for these girls is this Maddy heart))

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